09 January 2014

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Hybrid tablet-laptop- Apple iPad Pro


There have been a flurry of reports about Apple working on an iPad with a 12-inch screen. 

Arriving in fall ‘14, Apple goes Enterprise with an 12” iPad. Powered by the A8 chip (perhaps 4C), this expands ARM’s reach and, once again, transforms the traditional notebook market as we know it. Expect a 2-1 hybrid – think iPad + MBA – similar to how most iPads are used in the workplace and in the same spirit of MSFT’s Surface. We discussed A7 in detail, the benefits of 64b, and why it makes sense in our note. Two obstacles: (1) Microsoft Office not just Office 365 and (2) local storage. This would hit Intel in an area of strength – enterprise NBs – and open up the monopoly to price competition, a common theme for Intel in 2014

Let‘s watch


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