31 January 2014

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Google X Lab and Project Loon, May be The Next Paradigm Shift


I know it's a long article, but It's worth reading and sharing.

Google is a huge company with many creative ideas and hell a lot of money. They are executing their ideas one by one. Today in Internet you cannot live without a google account. Most of the products from Google are big success and obviously they are the game changers. Who push the human race forward. 

In this article I'm going to tell you about a big move of google which may be a next paradigm shift. Have you ever heard of Google X. It is a secret laboratory where the scientists a working like a mad people to bring science-fiction into reality. It is a semi secret facility located about a half a mile from Google's headquarters which is overseen by Sergey Brin. according to Wikipedia. 

Why is it secret? Google X is working on lot of project which is not existing right now. They are playing with fantasies. So the investors don't want their money to be spent in something which they consider not possible. They just want profit. The projects from Google X lab may become a very big success or it may suck . It is very simple to say that, investors will not see the bigger picture.

Google Glass is one of the project from the Google X lab which is currently in the hands of only some people called google glass explorers and developers. I don't want to go too much into the topic Google Glass. Let's go straight into our topic. 

One of the major research in the X Lab is Project Loon. So what is this project loon? In this world widely accepted global community is internet, but two-third of world's population doesn't have internet access. Project loon is a network of balloon travelling on the edge if the space, designed to connect people in rural and remote areas, helps fill coverage gaps, and bring people back online after disasters. According to the Project loon website. It may sound science fictional as I already said, but these people see the bigger picture.

How does it connects the people?. These balloons float in the stratosphere which is twice as high as airplanes and weather. They are carried around the earth by wind and they can be steered by rising or descending to an altitude with winds moving in desired direction. People connect to the balloon network using a special internet antenna attached to their building. As the balloon communicates with each other the entire globe can connect to the internet. Each balloon can provide connectivity to earth about 40 km in diameter at the speed comparable to 3G. 

Each of the balloons are powered with solar panels what is capable of producing 100 watts more than enough to run while saving the power for night use
How does it moves? These balloons travel around 20 km above the earth's surface. Wind in these area is generally steady and slow moving. That is between 5 and 20 mph. Each layer of wind varies in direction. Software algorithms in balloons determine where the it needs to go. By moving with the wing the balloons can be arranged to form one large communication network. 
The project loon pilot text began in June 2013 on the 40 the parallel south. Thirty balloons launched from New Zealand's South Island, be beamed internet to a small group of pilot testers. 

So, that's it. Good work. Lab X 


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